BD2K Focus Session at the Individualized Medicine Conference in Mayo Clinic

The NIH-funded BD2K Centers have the mission of developing and disseminating scalable algorithms for transmitting, accessing, analyzing, and interpreting biomedical Big Data that are directly relevant to data-driven discovery in medicine. This focus session will discuss the key challenges that each participating Center is tackling and brainstorm how to synergize national efforts in Big Data science by promoting innovative collaboration opportunities. This session will provide an invaluable opportunity to engage medical community leaders in a dialogue with the computational researchers leading the BD2K Consortium.


Jun S. Song, PhD, and Saurabh Sinha, PhD,

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Moderators)


Jiawei Han, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Abel Bliss Professor of Computer Science

Expertise: Data Mining

“Towards Construction and Mining of Biological Information Networks from Text Data”


Mario Medvedovic, PhD, (LINCS-BD2K, University of Cincinnati)

Director of the Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in the Department of

Environmental Health.

Expertise: Statistical Genomics and Systems Biology

“BD2K-LINCS Data Coordination and Integration Center: Big Data Science for Molecular Signatures of Cellular Perturbations”


Ian Foster, PhD, (BDDS, University of Chicago)

Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science.

Director of Computation Institute.

Distinguished Fellow and Senior Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory.

“Fluid Data: Big Data for Discovery Science”


Santosh Kumar, PhD, (MD2K, University of Memphis)

Professor of Computer Science

Holds the Lillian & Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence

Expertise: Wireless sensor network.

“Mobile Sensor Data-to-Knowledge (MD2K)”


Mark Craven, PhD, University of Wisconsin

Professor of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics and of Computer Science

Expertise: Machine learning of networks of biological interactions.

“The Challenge of Computational Phenotyping”


Sunduz Keles, PhD, University of Wisconsin

Professor of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics and of Statistics

Expertise: Statistical methods for analyzing high-throughput genomic data

“Integrative Models of Genetic and (Epi)genomic Data”


Sushmita Roy, PhD, University of Wisconsin

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics

Expertise: Computational genomics and network biology

“Next generation Regulatory Network Reconstruction”

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